Corporate video
In the era of innovation, stand out from a new angle with a corporate video

S.T.A.N.D. offers you the most flexible drone service and will be able to carry out your project from start to finish by offering you the acquisition, editing and/or online broadcasting.
Tuned to your personality
Our team is made up of image enthusiasts as well as perspective technicians. The angle from which the corporate video reveals you is the subject of a meticulous choice to present yourself in the best possible light. S.T.A.N.D. Technologies has the flair, instinct and expertise to detect shots that enhance your business.
Once the images have been captured, we add lively background music and link it to video sequences. So that the magic can operate in the eyes, ears and imagination of your listeners, we put our hearts into it.
Your dazzled audience, therefore won over, will consequently become an ambassador of your company. The ease with which a corporate video can be shared guarantees increased visibility by the number of delighted listeners.
Your words, our images, a perfect symbiosis
More accessible than an explanatory text, the corporate video thus summarizes your activities in sounds and images. However, reading remains essential to properly understand all the information you want to transmit to your customers. When the time comes to get known in a short period of time, count on corporate video.
It puts you in the heart of the action and shines the spotlight on the qualities that make you famous. If you think it becomes your signature, your corporate video therefore marks the digital era. To make your trademark permanent, we give it a soul. The judicious alchemy of sound, image and emotion creates a memory that crystallizes your logo in the mind of your prospects and customers.

Corporate video, a profitable investment!
To boost your popularity, corporate video offers a moment of excitement that awakens the passions of your audience. Moreover, it allows you to shine beyond the horizon of your current clientele. In addition, it allows you to look good in front of potential investors. Every opportunity to “sales pitch” cannot be overlooked. Overall, a big contract sometimes hides around the corner.
Presentations made using a corporate video have the advantage of not being subjected to the bias of their interlocutor. On the pretext that it could be subject to the vagaries of the emotions of the moment, it ensures its solidity. His consistency and his enthusiastic tone catches a smile and also triggers curiosity. It does not take much more for a dialogue to open, the result of which can lead to fruitful business opportunities.
Make a good impression, with precision
The growth of your business requiring the addition or expansion of buildings may materialize before your eyes. Thanks to the three-dimensional modeling that we realize from our drones, your installations will come to life digitally.
The centimeter accuracy of georeferenced photos gives you a 3D model essential for modeling building data. This model will also become a centerpiece of your expansion plan. In addition, you will have the ease of presenting it to your investors once integrated into your corporate video.
The fidelity with which this tool represents reality contributes to galvanize the confidence that your partners have in your project.

Killing two birds with one stone, the convergence of our services and your needs
Drones excel particularly in construction monitoring. Their rapid deployment and the speed of data processing prove their great contribution to the smooth flow of operations. Its use is essential in particular with a view to continually renewing efficiency.
The frequency of visits by our teams gives you as many opportunities to update your corporate video. This will show your dynamism to your customers and to other players in your sector of activity. Therefore, it becomes easy to detect any delay or failure and to correct it in a timely manner.
Wear your Sunday’s best for the 4.0 era!
In the era of industry 4.0, innovation embodies the spearhead of a competitive offer and a committed corporate reputation. In this regard, broadcasting your corporate video to a wide audience will attract the admiration of your community. In addition, it will position you as a leader in research and development.
You must celebrate and spread your breakthroughs and your progress without sulking your pride. Your achievements will shine, but we will take care to respect their private aspect. Therefore, your professional secrets will enjoy scrupulous protection according to your discretion.
Your visibility will not be limited only to your target customers thanks to the recurrence of publications brought by a corporate video that can be broadcast on multiple occasions on multiple platforms.
The impact that the corporate video will have on your business relationships will comfort you in your choice to let us showcase your business.
All in all, S.T.A.N.D. Technologies is your partner in your desire to shine!